CONFIG-NG for Atari v1.0.1 was released ‘Spotless Salmon’ added some additional help screens and words. Available on TNFS://…
Author: Atari Orbit
RAPID 9 – Extended Cut
The extended cut for RAPID 9 – links, photos and errata that don’t fit in the RAPID sheet. Apps Cater v100 terminal ported – (Oliver) config-ng 1.0.0 fenrock w/ fixes and enhancements Weather for A2 (ShunKita) coco vm running with FN-PC – (APC) Ron has it working on multiple Coco emulators Platforms & FW…
CONFIG NG – Atari FujiNet CONFIG App
Version 1.0 Is Here Fenrock (MarkF) has released the 1.0 version of his alternate FujiNet CONFIG app CONFIG-NG. C-NG is a mostly assembly, Atari only, CONFIG application for managing your FujiNet device connected to your Atari. It’s been interesting to have another implementation of CONFIG for the FujiNet to see how other interfaces would work…
CATER – VT100 Terminal for FujiNet
Cater Deep Dive Cater is a useful VT100 terminal app for Apple2 (enhanced), Atari and C64. OliverS has ported it over to use the FujiNet as it’s networking device and added SSH and TELNET support. It’s available on my TNFS server: TNFS://–4.3.1.po TNFS:// It’s 99% assembly and very fast. Below is a short guide for…
FujiNet Nightlies Are Here
Want to enjoy the benefits of recent advances on the FujiNet firmware but don’t want to get to the level of checking out the repo from GitHub, learning the build system, doing a build and flashing your device? The official Firmware releases come out at a much slower pace, as they are tested across all…
RAPID 8 – Extended Cut
RAPID 8 for June 2024 is here. So much going on it’s starting to get hard to condense it down into these single pages. See all the RAPIDS including 8 at: Top hits: Platform M68k Data Sent over Macintosh Floppy COCO CocoFest was held May 4/5 and there was a good showing of CocoFujiNet…
Adrian’s Video: Atari vs Commodore disk drives: These are cool drives
Adrians Digital Basement (ADB) has an another Atari themed video, where he repairs and tests a number of 810 Disk drives. The FujiNet is featured and shows the versatility of using the FujiNet to help with disk functions on the Atari.
RAPID 7 – Extended Cut
Firmware and Festival Issue! This special issue covers the 1.3 firmware release and the Five Years of FujiNet exhibit, talks, classroom at VCF East at the InfoAge Science Center in Wall NJ. FujiNet Firmware 1.3 FujiNet GH release: FujiNet Flasher: What’s in the Update? All Platforms TCP Support in TNFS Ability to mount…
RAPID 6 – Extended Cut
More Notes and details coming for RAPID 6! * Zero Home Page Live Stream – 2600 Atari Five Card Stud *
FujiNet Virtual AppleII and Atari VM
There is an entire VM available for download, when run will provide an entire virtual Atari 8bit (via Altirra & wine) and AppleII (via AppleWin/Linux) that connects to the ‘virtual’ FujiNet (aka FujiNet-PC). It’s a simple download of an ova file that can be opened by virtualBox (still free from Oracle) and run on your…